

Typehint for keys of flattened JSON

alias of Tuple[Union[int, str], …]


Type hint of a flattened JSON

alias of Dict[Tuple[Union[int, str], …], Union[None, bool, int, float, str, pheres._typing.JsonableValue]]

pheres._misc.flatten(obj: JSONObject)FlatJSON

Flattens a JSON object to a dict with a single level of mapping. Key become tuples that store the path from the top-level object down to the value. Object keys are stored as str, Array index as int


obj – json object to flatten


A dict mapping tuples of index and key to the final value

pheres._misc.expand(flat_json: FlatJSON, *, array_as_dict: bool = False, sort: bool = True) → JSONObject

Expand a flat JSON back into a JSON object. This is the inverse operation of flatten(). If there are duplicated values under the same key, a random one is kept

  • flat_json – flat json to expand

  • array_as_dict – whether to represent arrays as dict[int, JSONValue] instead of list

  • sort – whether to sort JSONObject by keys


A JSON object that is the expanded representation of the flat_json


ValueError – the flat_json is invalid. See the error for details

pheres._misc.compact(obj: JSONObject, *, sep='.') → JSONObject

Removes unnecessary levels in the JSON tree

Returns a new JSONObject where keys with only one element are merged with their parent key. Keys are converted to str objects. The returned value contains only dicts, even if the original JSON contained arrays.

  • obj – json object object to compact

  • sep – separator to use for merging keys


A compact, dict-only, representation of json_obj

pheres._misc.get(obj: Union[JSONArray, JSONObject], key: Union[int, str, FlatKey], default=MISSING) → JSONType

Retrieve a value on a JSON array or object. Return default if it was provided and key is missing

  • obj – JSON array or object to retrieve the value from

  • key – key to index. Supports iterable of successive keys

  • default – optional value to return if key is missing


JSONKeyErrorkey is missing and default was not specified

pheres._misc.has(obj: Union[JSONArray, JSONObject], key: Union[int, str, FlatKey])

Test if a JSON has the provided key

Implemented by calling get(obj, key) and catching JSONKeyError

See also


pheres._misc.set(obj: Union[JSONArray, JSONObject], key: Union[int, str, FlatKey], value: JSONObject)

Sets the value of the key in the JSON

Possibly creates the full path at once. Setting a value in a array past its length or adding an element at the end is supported

  • obj – JSON to set the value ine

  • key – path from the root JSON obj to the value to set. Supports iterables of keys. Key of type int will create new list if necessary, and str will create new dict

  • value – the value to set under the key key


IndexError – The key is not valid