Typed JSON decodingΒΆ

NOTE: This tutorial is outdated and needs to be rewritten

The TypedJSONDecoder allows to decode/deserialize JSON files or string with typechecking.To use it, pass it as the cls argument of json.load() (and json.loads()), after parametrizing it with a type.

Let us go throught an example:

from typing import *
import pheres as ph

# Build a *parametrized* version of TypedJSONDecoder to decode typed JSON
ArrayDecoder = ph.TypedJSONDecoder[List[ph.JSONObject]]

# JSON string to decode
jstring = """[
        "name": "first object in the array!"
        "name": "second object",
        "bool-key": false,
        "nested-object": {
            "name": "a nested object"

# Decode with type-checking
array = ArrayDecoder.loads(jstring)

# Invalid JSON string: only objects are allowed, not another array
jstring = """[
        "key": "value"
        "i'm an array, not an object"

# raises TypedJSONDecodeError

First, we import necessary modules.

Then, we parametrize a TypedJSONDecoder for the type we want to decode. This is done by indexing TypedJSONDecoder with a type-hint. The supported type-hints are defined in the jtyping category.

Then, you simply used the parametrized TypedJSONDecoder in json.load(), as the cls argument (that is the class that is used to decode). As a short-hand, parametrized TypedJSONDecoder have load() and loads() methods, that simply wraps their json counterpart but using the parametrized decoder by default.

If the type-checking fails, the decoding process raises a TypedJSONDecodeError that tells what is wrong and were.


You cannot use TypedJSONDecoder directly. Internally, it is an Abstract Base Class, and parametrizing it dynamically creates a subclass. This is because in the json.load function, the decoder is provided as a class and not an instance.